由于防御工地的PFAS污染,澳大利亚政府向Wreck Bay社区支付2 200万澳元。 Australian government pays $22M to Wreck Bay community due to PFAS contamination from defense sites.
在澳大利亚的Wreck Bay, 一个社区正在对抗一场健康危机, 由附近防御工地的PFAS污染造成, 导致高癌症发病率。 In Wreck Bay, Australia, a community is battling a health crisis caused by PFAS contamination from nearby defense sites, leading to a high rate of cancer. 政府同意在有毒消防泡沫渗入水道影响当地健康和文化习俗后支付2 200万美元赔偿。 The government agreed to pay $22 million in compensation after toxic firefighting foam leaked into waterways, affecting local health and cultural practices. 参议院正在调查PFAS的社会、经济和环境影响,国防部正在处理2 100万公升水,以限制进一步污染。 The Senate is investigating the social, economic, and environmental impacts of PFAS, with the defense department treating 21 million liters of water to limit further contamination.