BBC 公布了 3,000 封有关戴安娜王妃采访丑闻的电子邮件。 BBC releases 3,000 emails about Princess Diana interview scandal.
BBC 被指控掩盖了可能证明高级管理层误导公众计划的证据,该公司仍在努力对 1995 年《全景》戴安娜王妃采访相关的 3,000 份文件保密。 The BBC has been accused of covering up evidence that could provide proof of a plan by senior management to mislead the public, as it continues to fight to keep 3,000 documents related to the 1995 Panorama interview with Princess Diana secret. BBC 花费了 20 万英镑的法律费用来阻止这些电子邮件被泄露。 The BBC spent £200,000 on legal fees to prevent the release of these emails. 公众对内部电子邮件的兴趣被认为是压倒性的,这导致了人们对掩盖事实的怀疑。 The public's interest in the internal emails is considered overwhelming, leading to suspicions of a cover-up. BBC 的信任和责任价值观受到质疑。 The BBC's values of trust and accountability are called into question.