犹他州咖啡店老板 Nick Price 取消了小费,将工人的工资从每小时 8 美元提高到了 18 美元。 Coffee shop owner Nick Price abolished tipping, raising workers' pay from $8 to $18/hr in Utah.
犹他州的一家咖啡店老板取消了小费,并提高了工人的工资,将时薪从每小时 8 美元增加到每小时 18 美元。 A coffee shop owner in Utah has abolished tipping and raised his workers' pay, increasing the hourly wage from $8 per hour to $18 hourly. 店主尼克·普莱斯 (Nick Price) 表示,他厌倦了过时的小费概念,并且认为员工在一年中经济淡季的月份里少赚点钱是不对的。 The owner, Nick Price, said he was fed up with the outdated concept of tipping and did not think it was right for employees to make less money in slower months of the year. 这一决定与他作为一名曾与小费疲劳作斗争的消费者的经历相符。 This decision aligns with his own experiences as a consumer who struggled with tipping fatigue. 这一变化有利于员工并为他们提供更稳定的收入。 The change benefits the employees and provides them with a more consistent income.