马哈拉施特拉邦有三起老虎死亡事件引起人们对森林管理和野生动物安全的关切。 Three tiger deaths in Maharashtra raise concerns over forest management and wildlife safety.
在过去两周内,马哈拉施特拉邦的贡迪亚和班达拉区发生了三起老虎死亡事件,包括最近在贡迪亚发现一只幼崽的尸体。 Three tiger deaths have occurred in Maharashtra's Gondia and Bhandara districts over the past two weeks, including the recent discovery of a cub's carcass in Gondia. 这引起了人们的关切,并要求对森林管理做法进行审查。 This has sparked concern and calls for a review of forest management practices. 幼崽的死因尚未通过实验室检测确定。 The cause of the cub's death is yet to be determined through laboratory tests. 保护者担心野生动物走廊和老虎种群的安全。 Conservationists worry about wildlife corridors and the safety of the tiger population.