内布拉斯加州连锁酒店与 AG 办公室达成和解,同意在总价格中显示所有强制性费用。 Nebraska hotel chains settle with AG's Office, agree to display all mandatory fees in total prices.
在内布拉斯加州经营的主要连锁酒店已同意根据与内布拉斯加州总检察长办公室达成的和解协议,使隐藏的强制性费用对客户更加透明。 Major hotel chains operating in Nebraska have agreed to make hidden mandatory fees more transparent to customers under settlement agreements reached with the Nebraska Attorney General's Office. 现在,酒店将被要求在任何广告或优惠中将所有强制性费用显示为总价的一部分,并提供有关强制性费用涵盖哪些设施的附加信息。 The hotels will now be required to display all mandatory fees as part of the total price in any advertisements or offers and provide additional information about what amenities are covered by mandatory fees.