1 月 18 日,洛杉矶一名女子在窃贼偷走她的法国斗牛犬时紧紧抓住一辆超速行驶的汽车的引擎盖。 On January 18, a woman in LA clung to the hood of a speeding car as thieves stole her French bulldog.
1 月 18 日,洛杉矶一名女子在窃贼偷走她的法国斗牛犬时紧紧抓住一辆超速行驶的汽车的引擎盖。 On January 18, a woman in L.A. clung to the hood of a speeding car as thieves stole her French bulldog. 阿里·撒迦利亚 (Ali Zacharias) 正在洛杉矶一家全食超市 (Whole Foods) 与她的狗 Onyx 一起享用午餐,这时一名女子走近,抓住狗的皮带,然后开始走开。 Ali Zacharias was enjoying lunch with her dog, Onyx, at a Whole Foods in Los Angeles when a woman approached, grabbed the dog's leash, and began walking away. 扎卡赖亚斯最初以为该女子错误地带走了她的狗,但跟踪该女子后发现她实际上是一个小偷。 Zacharias initially thought the woman had mistakenly taken her dog but followed the woman and discovered she was, in fact, a thief. 有人看到嫌疑人进入一辆白色起亚福特轿车并开车离开。 The suspect was seen entering a white Kia Forte sedan and driving away.