6 月 22 日,莎拉·福尔斯 (Sarah Folse) 和迪安娜·维滕 (Deanna Witten) 因在路易斯安那州洛朗格偷窃三只德国牧羊犬幼犬而被捕。 On 22 June, Sarah Folse and Deanna Witten were arrested for stealing three German Shepherd puppies in Loranger, Louisiana.
6 月 22 日,两名女子萨拉·福尔斯 (Sarah Folse)(31 岁)和迪安娜·维特 (Deanna Witten)(52 岁)因涉嫌从路易斯安那州洛朗格的一所住宅中偷走三只德国牧羊犬幼犬而被坦吉帕霍阿教区警长办公室逮捕。 Two women, Sarah Folse (31) and Deanna Witten (52), were arrested by the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office in connection with the theft of three German Shepherd puppies from a home in Loranger, Louisiana on June 22. 盗窃过程被家里的监控录像拍了下来。 The theft was captured on home surveillance video. 两名女子已自首,并被指控犯有一项重罪盗窃和非法侵入,而小狗仍然下落不明。 The women turned themselves in, were booked on one count of felony theft and trespassing, and the puppies remain missing.