马林罗安达号船长感谢印度海军扑灭大火。 The captain of the Marlin Luanda thanks the Indian Navy for putting out the fire.
一艘印度军舰在亚丁湾从一艘被导弹击中的也门油轮中救出了22名印度人和一名孟加拉国人。 An Indian warship rescued 22 Indians and one Bangladeshi from a Yemeni missile-hit tanker in the Gulf of Aden. 悬挂马绍尔岛旗帜的马林罗安达号被也门胡塞叛军发射的导弹击中后,导弹驱逐舰维沙卡帕特南号协助扑灭了大火。 The guided-missile destroyer INS Visakhapatnam provided assistance in extinguishing the fire onboard Marshall Island-flagged Marlin Luanda after it was hit by a missile fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen. 商船船长阿维纳什·拉瓦特(Avinash Rawat)船长感谢印度海军在六个小时的灭火行动中所做的努力。 Captain Avinash Rawat, the master of the merchant vessel, thanked the Indian Navy for their efforts in battling the fire for six hours.