印度和巴基斯坦的海上部队从阿拉伯海沉没的一艘船只上救出九名船员。 Indian and Pakistani maritime forces teamed up to rescue nine crew members from a sunken vessel in the Arabian Sea.
印度海岸警卫队和巴基斯坦海事安全局从阿拉伯海沉没的MSV Tajdhare Haram号货轮上联合救出九名印度船员。 The Indian Coast Guard and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency jointly rescued nine Indian crew members from the sunken cargo vessel MSV Tajdhare Haram in the Arabian Sea. 该船因2024年12月26日的洪水沉没,在古吉拉特邦Porbandar以西约311公里处。 The vessel sank due to flooding on December 26, 2024, about 311 km west of Porbandar, Gujarat. 救援行动涉及孟买和卡拉奇的海上救援协调中心之间的密切协调,所有船员都安全地被运送到波班达港,身体健康。 The rescue operation involved close coordination between the maritime rescue coordination centers in Mumbai and Karachi, and all crew members were safely transported to Porbandar harbor in good health. 这标志着三周内第二次成功执行联合救援任务。 This marks the second successful joint rescue mission in three weeks.