在一艘悬挂利比里亚国旗的货船遭到劫持后,印度海军向阿拉伯海派遣了一艘军舰和一架巡逻机。 Following an attempted hijacking of a cargo ship flying the flag of Liberia, the Indian navy dispatched a warship and a patrol aircraft to the Arabian Sea.
印度海军部署了一艘军舰和一架海上巡逻机,协助一艘在阿拉伯海被劫持的悬挂利比里亚国旗的船只。 India's navy has deployed a warship and a maritime patrol aircraft to assist a hijacked Liberian-flagged vessel in the Arabian Sea. 这艘载有 15 名印度船员的船在索马里海岸附近被劫持。 The ship, which had 15 Indian crew members on board, was hijacked near Somalia's coast. 由于最近对该地区海盗活动增加的担忧,印度海军正在密切关注局势。 The Indian Navy is closely monitoring the situation, following recent concerns about an increase in piracy in the region.