2022 年,由于能源价格和生活成本飙升,奇切斯特、霍舍姆、中萨塞克斯和黑斯廷斯的家庭燃气使用量下降。 In 2022, household gas use dropped in Chichester, Horsham, Mid Sussex, and Hastings amidst surging energy prices and cost of living.
2022 年,包括奇切斯特、霍舍姆、中萨塞克斯和黑斯廷斯在内的多个地点的家庭使用天然气量显着减少。 In 2022, there was a significant decrease in the amount of gas used by households in various locations, including Chichester, Horsham, Mid Sussex, and Hastings. 这一下降与能源价格和总体生活成本的飙升同时发生。 This reduction coincided with a surge in energy prices and the overall cost of living. 国家能源行动运动组织建议,家庭可能会减少能源使用量,以应对这些财务挑战。 The campaign group National Energy Action suggested that households may be cutting back on their energy usage as a response to these financial challenges.