犹他州卫生官员讨论了雪橇安全,并在一名 20 岁妇女脊柱和头骨骨折后分发了头盔。 Utah health officials discussed sledding safety, distributing helmets after a 20-year-old woman fractured spine and skull.
犹他州卫生官员最近讨论了雪橇安全,并免费发放头盔,此前一名 20 岁女性在雪橇时撞上金属杆,导致脊柱和头骨骨折,发生严重事故。 Utah health officials recently discussed sledding safety and distributed free helmets, following the severe accident of a 20-year-old woman who fractured her spine and skull after crashing into metal poles while sledding. 医院创伤专家强调了认真对待雪橇的重要性,并将其与驾驶车辆的安全预防措施进行了比较。 Hospital trauma experts emphasized the importance of taking sledding seriously, comparing it to driving a vehicle in terms of safety precautions. 他们分发了 48 个头盔、安全信息、热巧克力、瓶装水和防晒霜,强调雪橇受伤可能与滑雪或单板滑雪造成的伤害一样严重。 They handed out 48 helmets, safety information, hot chocolate, bottled water, and sunscreen, highlighting that sledding injuries can be just as severe as those from skiing or snowboarding.