加拿大癌症协会敦促安大略省省长改革烟草业。 Canadian Cancer Society urges Ontario Premier to reform the tobacco industry.
加拿大癌症协会 (CCS) 敦促安大略省省长道格·福特对烟草业实施严格的新控制措施,并通过独立基金为烟草控制提供大量长期资金。 The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is urging Ontario Premier Doug Ford to implement strict new controls on the tobacco industry and establish substantial long-term funding for tobacco control through an independent fund. 这一呼吁发出之际,安大略省目前正在与烟草公司谈判达成和解协议,所有 10 个省份都对该行业提起诉讼,总共寻求超过 5000 亿加元的损失。 This call comes as Ontario is currently negotiating a settlement with tobacco companies amid lawsuits filed by all 10 provinces against the industry, collectively seeking over $500 billion in damages. CCS 认为,此类措施对于预防疾病、拯救生命和保护子孙后代免受烟草相关危害至关重要。 The CCS argues that such measures are crucial to prevent disease, save lives, and protect future generations from tobacco-related harm.