美国自然历史博物馆两个大厅内的美洲原住民文物正在被关闭。 Native American artifacts in two halls of the American Museum of Natural History are being closed.
纽约美国自然历史博物馆关闭了两个展示美洲原住民物品的展厅,因为新的联邦规定要求博物馆在向公众展示文物之前必须获得部落的同意。 The American Museum of Natural History in New York has closed two exhibit halls that feature Native American objects due to new federal rules requiring museums to obtain consent from tribes before displaying cultural artifacts to the public. 博物馆在该规定实施后做出了这一决定,该规定还要求各机构在五年内开始归还人类遗骸或其他具有重要文化意义的物品。 The museum made this decision following the implementation of the regulations, which also require institutions to begin repatriation of human remains or other culturally significant items within five years.