美国证券交易委员会针对 SPAC 采取了新规则。 The US SEC adopted new rules for SPACs.
美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 通过了影响特殊目的收购公司 (SPAC) 的新规则。 The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted new rules impacting Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs). 这些规则旨在改变 SPAC 向公众传达其产品的方式。 These rules are intended to change the way SPACs communicate their offerings to the public. SEC 以 3 比 2 的投票结果通过了这些新规则,预计将在五个月内颁布。 The SEC has voted 3-2 on these new rules, which are expected to be enacted within five months. 这些变化包括公司在发行前增加了披露,以及高管对所提出的索赔承担责任。 Among the changes are increased disclosures from companies prior to the offering and executives being held liable for the claims made. SEC 的目标是增加信息披露和投资者保护,这可能会限制选择通过 SPAC 合并上市的公司数量。 The SEC aims to add disclosures and investor protections, which may limit the number of companies choosing to go public via SPAC merger.