巴基斯坦的证交会寻求公众投入,加强公司收购的透明度和保护。 Pakistan's SECP seeks public input on enhancing transparency and protections in corporate takeovers.
巴基斯坦证券和交易委员会(证券交易委员会)正在征求公众反馈,了解对上市公司接管规章可能作出的改进。 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is seeking public feedback on potential improvements to its takeover regulations for listed companies. 这些变化旨在通过精简公告、修订价格确定标准和加强披露要求,提高透明度和保护少数股东。 These changes aim to enhance transparency and protect minority shareholders by streamlining public announcements, revising price determination criteria, and strengthening disclosure requirements. 证交会还在考虑关于自愿报价和处理间接收购的新规则。 The SECP is also considering new rules for voluntary offers and handling indirect acquisitions. 咨询文件可在网上查阅,为期15天,以征求意见。 The consultation paper is available online, with a 15-day period for comments.