加沙的联合国训练中心正在收容因以色列袭击直接袭击的流离失所者,造成大规模人员伤亡;联合国呼吁立即调查。 UN training center in Gaza is sheltering displaced people hit directly by Israeli attack, causing mass casualties; UN calls for immediate investigation.
加沙的一处联合国训练中心收容了数千名流离失所者,该中心遭到以色列袭击的直接打击,造成“大规模人员伤亡”。 A United Nations training center in Gaza, which was sheltering thousands of displaced people, suffered a direct hit from an Israeli attack, causing "mass casualties." 据报道,以色列军队还切断了该地区的主要逃生路线并关闭了医院。 Israeli forces have also reportedly cut off the main escape route and closed hospitals in the region. 联合国呼吁立即调查避难所遇袭事件。 The UN has called for an immediate investigation into the attack on the shelter.