联合国援助机构正在调查涉嫌参与以色列袭击的工作人员。 U.N. aid agency probes staff suspected of role in Israel attacks.
联合国巴勒斯坦援助机构宣布对其几名涉嫌参与 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击以色列的雇员进行调查。 The United Nations aid agency for Palestinians has announced an investigation into several of its employees suspected of involvement in the October 7 attacks in Israel by Hamas. 该机构表示,以色列指控其帮助策划和参与袭击。 The agency stated that it had been accused by Israel of helping plan and participate in the attacks. 在此之前,联合国最近采取了行动,例如基于以色列的类似指控解雇了 12 名员工。 This follows recent actions taken by the UN, such as firing 12 of its employees based on similar accusations from Israel.