英国的高级医生拒绝了一项薪酬协议,由于对当前薪酬对招募和保留的影响不满意,因此维持罢工行动。 Senior doctors in England rejected a pay deal, maintaining strike action due to dissatisfaction with the current offer's impact on recruitment and retention.
英格兰的高级医生投票否决了一项薪酬协议,该协议将结束数月的破坏性罢工行动。 Senior doctors in England have voted to reject a pay deal that would have ended months of disruptive strike action. 投票结果很窄,51% 的受访医生投票反对该交易。 The vote was narrow, with 51% of the doctors surveyed voting against the deal. 医生工会英国医学协会(BMA)表示,投票结果显示,顾问们认为目前的提议不足以解决当前的争议,也不足以解决高级医生的招聘和保留危机。 The British Medical Association (BMA), the doctors' union, said that the vote showed that the consultants do not feel the current offer goes far enough to resolve the current dispute and address the recruitment and retention crisis for senior doctors.