英国高级医生接受薪资提议,结束罢工。 Senior Doctors in England Accept Pay Offer, Ending Strikes.
英国的顾问们接受了政府新的薪酬方案,结束了持续一年多的罢工。 Consultants in England have accepted a new pay offer from the government, ending more than a year of strikes. 参加公投的英国医学协会顾问中约有83%对该提议投了赞成票,据称该提议较1月份被否决的提议有所改进。 About 83% of the British Medical Association's consultants who participated in a referendum voted in favor of the offer, which was said to be an improvement from the proposal previously rejected in January. 此次加薪伴随着该行业薪酬审查机构 DDRB 的变化,现在该机构将拥有更大的独立性,不再受到通胀目标和经济证据的约束。 The pay increase comes with changes to the profession's pay review body, the DDRB, which will now have more independence and no longer be constrained by inflation targets and economic evidence. 这结束了正在进行的罢工行动,此次罢工增加了 NHS 患者的预约等候名单。 This brings an end to the ongoing strike action that has added to the NHS patient appointment waiting list.