密歇根州上诉法院下令对前警察克里斯托弗·舒尔 (Christopher Schurr) 于 2022 年在交通堵塞期间谋杀黑人驾车者帕特里克·利奥亚 (Patrick Lyoya) 的案件进行审判,否认了他的自卫主张。 The Michigan Court of Appeals orders a trial for ex-cop Christopher Schurr in the 2022 murder of black motorist Patrick Lyoya during a traffic stop, denying his self-defense claim.
密歇根州上诉法院裁定,前警官克里斯托弗·舒尔 (Christopher Schurr) 应因 2022 年杀害一名黑人驾车者的谋杀指控接受审判。 The Michigan State Court of Appeals has ruled that Christopher Schurr, a former police officer, should go to trial for a murder charge in the 2022 killing of a Black motorist. 法院一致认为舒尔的行为不符合使用致命武力自卫的标准。 The court agreed that Schurr's actions did not satisfy the standards for use of deadly force in self-defense. 二级谋杀指控源于一次交通堵塞,最终舒尔在帕特里克·洛亚身上开枪射击了他的后脑勺。 The second-degree murder charge stems from a traffic stop that ended with Schurr shooting Patrick Lyoya in the back of the head while on top of him. 上诉法院裁定,视频证据可以推断出Lyoya已经疲劳并且无力抵抗。 The appeals court ruled that the video evidence allowed an inference that Lyoya had gotten fatigued and was less able to resist.