密歇根州最高法院允许前军官Christopher Schurr因2022年Patrick Lyoya遭枪击身亡而面临审判。 The Michigan Supreme Court lets former officer Christopher Schurr face trial for the 2022 fatal shooting of Patrick Lyoya.
密歇根州最高法院驳回了前大快速警察Christopher Schurr的上诉,允许以2022年Black man Patrick Lyoya被枪杀身亡案的二级谋杀罪对他进行审判。 The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by former Grand Rapids police officer Christopher Schurr, allowing his trial to proceed on charges of second-degree murder in the 2022 fatal shooting of Black man Patrick Lyoya. 枪击发生在一个交通站,当时Schurr据称在为一辆泰瑟枪进行争斗时担心自己的安全。 The shooting occurred during a traffic stop when Schurr allegedly feared for his safety during a struggle over a Taser. 该案现在将移交肯特县巡回法院审判。 The case will now move to trial in Kent County Circuit Court.