技术问题限制了丹佛国际机场地铁的容量。 Technical issues limit the capacity of underground trains at Denver International Airport.
由于技术问题,丹佛国际机场通往大厅的地铁运力有限。 Denver International Airport's underground trains to the concourses are experiencing limited capacity due to technical issues. 巴士被用来将一些乘客从航站楼运送到大厅。 Buses are being used to transport some passengers from the terminal to the concourses. 这导致等待时间更长,排队时间更长,一些旅客甚至等待了一个小时。 This has resulted in longer wait times and long lines, with some travelers waiting for an hour. 机场建议乘客至少比计划提前 30 分钟到达,并鼓励乘客使用 A 检查站并步行过桥到达登机口。 The airport is advising flyers to arrive at least 30 minutes earlier than planned and encourages passengers to use the A checkpoint and walk across the bridge to their gate.