苏格兰政府挪用自然恢复基金500万英镑支付理事会雇员工资。 Scotland's government diverts £5m from Nature Restoration Fund to pay council employee wages.
苏格兰政府已指示地方当局将29.2m英镑自然恢复基金的资金转用于支付理事会雇员的工资结算。 Scotland's government has instructed local authorities to divert funds from the £29.2m Nature Restoration Fund to pay for council employees' wage settlements. 该基金与自然科学共享,支持地方项目应对自然紧急情况。 The fund, shared with NatureScot, supports local projects addressing the nature emergency. 环保人士担心该决定会损害恢复生物多样性和应对气候变化的努力,因为 £5m 正在被重新分配,但政府计划在未来几年更换它。 Environmentalists worry the decision will damage efforts to restore biodiversity and tackle climate change, as £5m is being redirected, but the government plans to replace it in future years.