北京在台湾获得了一个外交盟友。 Beijing gains a diplomatic ally in Taiwan.
太平洋岛国瑙鲁已与台湾断交并承认中国大陆。 Nauru, a Pacific island nation, has cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan and recognized mainland China. 这一决定使台湾只剩下12个邦交国。 This decision leaves Taiwan with only 12 remaining diplomatic allies. 瑙鲁与台湾的首次外交关系于 1980 年建立,但于 2002 年终止,转而与中国建立外交关系,并于 2005 年撤销。 Nauru's first diplomatic ties with Taiwan were established in 1980, but terminated in 2002 in favor of China, which was then reversed in 2005. 台湾曾经是中国内战期间民族主义势力的避难所,但在美国的援助下一直保持自治。 Taiwan, once a refuge for nationalist forces during China's civil war, has remained autonomous with US assistance. 台北和北京都声称代表中国人民,但包括美国在内的大多数国家都承认北京是唯一代表。 Both Taipei and Beijing claim to represent the Chinese people, but most countries, including the US, recognize Beijing as the sole representative.