阿拉斯加部落和团体以对鲑鱼的威胁和过时的环境审查为由,起诉封锁不列颠哥伦比亚矿场。 Alaskan tribes and groups sue to block BC mine, citing threats to salmon and outdated environmental reviews.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省,阿拉斯加部落和环境团体正在起诉,要封锁一个拟议的金铜矿,理由是它威胁到鲑鱼河,而且已经过时的环境评估。 Alaskan tribes and environmental groups are suing to block a proposed gold and copper mine in British Columbia, arguing it threatens salmon rivers and has outdated environmental assessments. 在阿拉斯加边界附近的KSM采矿项目,如果符合“重大起步”的标准,如果其环境证书是以过时的资料为依据,则面临法律质疑。 The KSM mine project, near the Alaska border, faces legal challenges questioning if it meets the criteria for a "substantial start" and if its environmental certificates are based on outdated information. 该诉讼案要求推翻该矿的环境批准,要求该公司重新启动监管进程。 The lawsuit calls for the mine's environmental approval to be overturned, requiring the company to restart the regulatory process.