11 月份美国消费信贷首次突破 5 万亿美元。 U.S. consumer credit tops $5 trillion for first time in November.
数据:美联储周一表示,11 月份消费者信贷总额增加了 237 亿美元,高于上月的 58 亿美元。 The numbers: Total consumer credit rose $23.7 billion in November, up from a $5.8 billion increase in the prior month, the Federal Reserve said Monday. 这意味着年增长率为 5.7%,高于上个月修正后的 1.4%。 That translates into a 5.7% annual rate, up from a revised 1.4% rise in the prior month. 这是自 2022 年 11 月以来的最大涨幅,消费者信贷总额首次超过 5 万亿美元。 That was the biggest gain since November 2022, and puts total consumer credit above $5 trillion for the first time ever. 该数据未根据通货膨胀进行调整。 The data is not adjusted for inflation.