一份澳大利亚报纸发表了一项关于洗礼是否可以帮助您的孩子进入私立学校的调查。 An investigation into whether baptism can help your child get into a private school was published in an Australian newspaper.
这篇文章讨论了父母是否应该让孩子受洗,以增加他们进入布里斯班信仰私立学校的机会。 The article discusses whether parents should get their child baptised to increase their chances of admission to a faith-based private school in Brisbane. 尽管越来越多的居民表示自己“没有宗教信仰”,但一些家长还是选择为孩子施洗,未来的学校选择在他们的决定中发挥了重要作用。 Despite the increase in residents stating they have "no religion", some parents have chosen to baptise their children, with future schooling options playing a role in their decision.