南加州的家长正在起诉各学区,要求学生接受强制性性别认同课程。 Parents in Southern California are suing school districts over mandatory gender identity lessons for kids.
该条强调了家长对性别意识形态对儿童的影响的关切,指出一些家长感到学校没有听取他们的意见。 The article highlights parental concerns regarding gender ideology's influence on children, noting that some parents feel unheard by schools. 在南加利福尼亚州,基督教家庭正在起诉Encinitas联合学校区,因为有一项方案要求五年级学生在没有父母通知的情况下向幼儿园学生教授性别认同。 In Southern California, Christian families are suing the Encinitas Union School District over a program requiring fifth-graders to teach gender identity to kindergarteners without parental notification. 他们辩称,这与他们对性别的信念相矛盾,对幼儿不合适。 They argue this contradicts their beliefs about gender and is inappropriate for young children. 另一起诉讼涉及圣胡安统一学校区的一个类似方案,父母声称方案对子女提出了有争议的信仰。 Another lawsuit involves a similar program in the San Juan Unified School District, with parents claiming it imposes controversial beliefs on their children.