英国利物浦的三个地点发生枪击事件。 Shots were fired at three locations in Liverpool, UK.
在法扎克利,武装响应人员对一名 49 岁男子使用泰瑟枪并将其拘留。 In Fazakerley, armed response officers used a Taser on a 49-year-old man and took him into custody. 在所有事件中,没有人受伤。 In all the incidents, nobody was hurt. 该男子因涉嫌抢劫和持有一级枪支意图危及生命而被捕,随后被带到默西的警察局。 The man was taken to a police station in Mersey after being arrested on suspicion of robbery and possessing a Section 1 firearm with the intent to endanger life. 第一起事件发生在晚上 8 点。在诺里斯格林一家报刊亭,一名男子闯入威胁店员,索要钱财,然后掏出枪。 The first incident was reported at 8 p.m. at a Norris Green newsagent, where a man entered, threatened a shop assistant, demanded money, and then pulled a gun.