34岁男子在卡迪夫的Caerau地区因从一辆汽车中开枪而被捕;调查仍在进行。 34-year-old man arrested in Cardiff's Caerau area for firing gunshots from a car; investigation ongoing.
34岁的男子在卡迪夫的Caerau地区因从一辆汽车中开枪4枪而被捕;没有关于受伤或财产损失的报告。 34-year-old man arrested in Cardiff's Caerau area for firing four gunshots from a car; no injuries or property damage reported. 警方的调查继续确定是否使用了真枪实弹。 Police investigation continues to determine if a real firearm was used. 嫌疑人涉嫌持有枪支,意图引起对暴力的恐惧,因此被扣押。 The suspect is held on suspicion of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.