拉斯维加斯大都会警察局一名警官已被捕。 A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer has been arrested.
拉斯维加斯大都会警察局一名警官已被捕,并面临严重跟踪、企图入室盗窃和破坏财产的指控。 A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer has been arrested and faces charges of aggravated stalking, attempted home invasion, and destruction of property. 杰克·弗里曼警官自 2017 年以来一直在该部门任职,于 12 月 31 日被拘留,并被登记在亨德森拘留中心。 Officer Jake Freeman, who has been with the department since 2017, was taken into custody on December 31 and booked into the Henderson Detention Center. 在进一步调查期间,他将被暂停带薪警察权力。 He will be suspended from police powers with pay while further investigation takes place.