联邦调查局和司法部工作人员抵制埃隆·穆斯克新的联邦工作授权,并提出了对联邦工作影响的关切。 FBI and DOJ workers resist Elon Musk's new federal work mandate, citing concerns over its impact.
联邦调查局和司法部的雇员反对Elon Musk规定的联邦工作任务。 FBI and DOJ employees are pushing back against a federal work mandate imposed by Elon Musk. 抵抗源于对该指令对其工作和政府运作的影响的关切。 The resistance stems from concerns over the directive's implications on their work and the government's operations. 关于具体任务及其影响的细节尚不明确。 Details on the specific mandate and its impact are not yet clear.