随着马斯克规定的列出成就的最后期限临近,联邦工作人员在混乱中焦虑不安。 Federal workers anxious as Musk-imposed deadline to list achievements nears amid confusion.
联邦工作人员正面临困惑,因为埃隆马斯克设定的列出他们成就的截止日期即将到来。 Federal workers are facing confusion as a deadline set by Elon Musk to list their accomplishments approaches. 不明确的指导方针和紧迫的时间框架使许多人不确定如何遵守,从而在联邦机构内部引起了广泛的焦虑。 The unclear guidelines and short timeframe have left many unsure of how to comply, causing widespread anxiety within federal agencies.