Elon Musk敦促联邦工人为自己的工作辩护,如果无法辞职,威胁要辞职。 Elon Musk urges federal workers to justify their jobs, threatening to resign if they can't.
Elon Musk呼吁联邦工人为其角色辩护,如果无法这样做,威胁辞职。 Elon Musk has called on federal workers to justify their roles, threatening resignation if they cannot. 这一需求是Musk为精简业务和削减政府成本所做更广泛努力的一部分,反映了他在Twitter上采取的行动。 This demand comes as part of Musk's broader efforts to streamline operations and cut costs in government, mirroring actions he took at Twitter. 官员正在审查这一请求,但尚未公开答复。 Officials are reviewing the request but have not yet responded publicly.