88 岁的教皇方济各与肺炎和感染作斗争;住院期间略有改善。 Pope Francis, 88, battles pneumonia and infection; slight improvement noted in his hospital stay.
教皇方济各正在罗马的 Gemelli 医院从肺炎和多种微生物感染中恢复过来,并且“略有好转”。 Pope Francis is recovering from pneumonia and a polymicrobial infection at Rome's Gemelli hospital and is "improving slightly." 尽管他已经 88 岁高龄,而且有呼吸系统问题,但他继续与助手合作。 Despite his 88 years and respiratory issues, he continues to work with aides. 枢机主教们指出,如果他的健康状况恶化,他可能会辞职,这与教皇本笃十六世因健康原因退休的先例相呼应。 Cardinals have noted the possibility of his resignation if his health worsens, echoing Pope Benedict XVI's precedent of retiring due to health reasons.