美国检察官杰西·拉斯洛维奇离开蒙大拿职位,由特朗普总统的提名人取而代之。 U.S. Attorney Jesse Laslovich leaves Montana post, to be replaced by a nominee from President Trump.
美国蒙大拿州检察官杰西·拉斯洛维奇(Jesse Laslovich)自2022年6月以来宣布离开。 Jesse Laslovich, the U.S. Attorney for Montana since June 2022, has announced his departure. 在他任职期间,他侧重于起诉贩毒和性犯罪,解散一项重大的贩毒行动,并确保与圣彼得保健公司达成1 080万美元的和解。 During his tenure, he focused on prosecuting drug trafficking and sex crimes, dismantling a major drug trafficking operation and securing a $10.8 million settlement with St. Peter’s Health. 他强调与各种执法机构建立牢固的伙伴关系。 He emphasized building strong partnerships with various law enforcement agencies. 由前总统拜登提名的拉斯洛维奇将由特朗普总统的提名人接替。 Laslovich, nominated by former President Biden, will be succeeded by a nominee from President Trump.