前总统特朗普提名Ed Martin, 一名1月6日的辩护人, 担任华盛顿的首席检察官。 Former President Trump nominates Ed Martin, a January 6 defender, as top prosecutor for D.C.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普提名爱德·马丁(Ed Martin)为保守派活动家, 他为2021年1月6日国会暴动案的案犯辩护, Former President Donald Trump has nominated Ed Martin, a conservative activist who defended those involved in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, to be the top federal prosecutor in Washington, D.C. permanently. 自1月20日起担任美国临时律师的Martin在特朗普赦免后监督了1月6日的数百起案件的驳回。 Martin, who has been serving as the interim U.S. attorney since January 20, supervised the dismissal of hundreds of January 6 cases after Trump's pardons. 参议院必须确认这项提名。 The Senate must confirm the nomination.