Pantoro在澳大利亚发现了重要的黄金,而Wood Group则在金融斗争中削减成本。 Pantoro discovers significant gold in Australia, while Wood Group cuts costs amid financial struggles.
Pantoro报告说,在西澳大利亚州发现了大量黄金,高达1 420克/吨,这表明有可能扩大Norseman项目。 Pantoro reported a significant gold discovery in Western Australia, with up to 1,420g/t, indicating potential for expanding the Norseman project. 同时,Wood Group宣布了在一项战略审查中通过削减成本措施节省1.45亿美元的计划,因为一项利润警告导致其股价下跌31%。 Meanwhile, Wood Group announced plans to save $145 million through cost-cutting measures amid a strategic review, following a profit warning that led to a 31% drop in its share price. 作为全球金融新闻提供商,Proactive 提供了包括采矿,石油和天然气在内的各种行业的最新消息, 尽管使用人工智能工具, 但仍确保了人类编辑和作者权. Proactive, a global financial news provider, offers updates on various sectors including mining and oil and gas, ensuring human editing and authorship despite using AI tools.