采矿公司面临关税、配额和ESG挑战,2024年的业绩报告参差不齐。 Mining companies face tariffs, quotas, and ESG challenges, with mixed performance reports in 2024.
2024年,采矿部门面临对中国石墨进口的高关税以及印度尼西亚新的镍配额等可能影响市场的挑战。 In 2024, the mining sector faced challenges like high tariffs on Chinese graphite imports and new nickel quotas in Indonesia that could impact the market. 主要报告强调了主要采矿公司的环境、社会和公司治理业绩以及非碳化战略。 Key reports highlighted ESG performance of major mining companies and decarbonization strategies. 西澳大利亚州的金矿区域显示出增长潜力,而政府间组织和金属技术公司等上市采矿公司则报告了负面消息。 Western Australia gold regions showed growth potential, while listed mining companies like IGO and MetalsTech reported negative news. MiningNews.net网址详细报道了这些问题和行业趋势。 The MiningNews.net site provides detailed coverage of these issues and industry trends.