英国工程公司Wood Group面临财政压力, UK engineering firm Wood Group faces financial strain, cutting costs and bonuses amid a share price drop.
英国工程公司Wood Group(Wood Group)正面临重大的财政挑战, 包括2024年2亿美元的负自由现金流量和33%的股价下跌。 Wood Group, a UK engineering firm, is facing significant financial challenges, including a $200 million negative free cash flow in 2024 and a 33% drop in its share price. 作为回应,该公司正在实施削减成本的措施,取消雇员奖金,并争取到2026年节省1.45亿美元。 In response, the company is implementing cost-cutting measures, cancelling employee bonuses, and aiming to save $145 million by 2026. Wood Group还计划更加注重其最有利可图的市场,如石油和天然气,以提高其财务业绩。 Wood Group also plans to focus more on its most profitable markets, such as oil and gas, to improve its financial performance. 该公司正在接受德洛伊特公司的独立审查,其中查明了公司内部的重大弱点和失败。 The company is undergoing an independent review by Deloitte, which identified material weaknesses and failures within the firm.