研究显示,由于使用量、成本、疾病和年龄等因素,美国保健支出差距很大。 Study reveals wide U.S. healthcare spending disparities, driven by usage, costs, disease, and age.
卫生计量和评价研究所最近进行的一项研究分析了美国3 110个县的保健支出,发现主要因服务利用率(64.8%)、服务价格和强度(24.1%)、疾病流行率(7.0%)和人口年龄(4.1%)而出现重大差异。 A recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation analyzed health care spending across 3,110 US counties, finding significant variations driven mainly by service utilization (64.8%), price and intensity of services (24.1%), disease prevalence (7.0%), and population age (4.1%). 这项研究审查了2010年至2019年的数据,突出了支出的巨大差异,犹他州由于人口较年轻,人均支出最低,而纽约的高昂费用与医院和药物费用有关。 The study, which examines data from 2010 to 2019, highlights wide disparities in spending, with Utah having the lowest per capita spending due to a younger population and New York's high costs linked to hospital and drug expenses. 了解这些趋势有助于在保健方面更好地分配资源和费用管理。 Understanding these trends can help in better resource allocation and cost management in healthcare.