2400万人退出了医疗补助计划,美国几个州扩大了低收入群体的医疗保健机会。 24 million disenrolled from Medicaid, several US states expand health care access for lower-income groups.
美国数个州扩大了低收入个人(包括儿童、孕妇和被监禁者)获得医疗保健的机会。 Amid Medicaid "unwinding" that led to over 24 million people being disenrolled, several US states have expanded health care access for lower-income individuals, including children, pregnant women, and the incarcerated. 这种举动旨在减轻拆卸过程的影响. This move is intended to mitigate the effects of the unwinding process. 这一流行病表明,保健覆盖面在确保公共卫生和安全方面非常重要,导致各州在经济增长期间扩大医疗援助计划资格,并响应提高对孕产妇死亡率上升和堕胎新限制的认识。 The pandemic has demonstrated the importance of health coverage in ensuring public health and safety, leading states to expand Medicaid eligibility during economic growth and in response to heightened awareness of rising maternal mortality rates and new restrictions on abortion.