俄亥俄州应优先提供预防性护理,以加强居民的健康和降低医疗费用。 Ohio should prioritize preventative care to enhance residents' health and reduce healthcare costs.
该条强调俄亥俄州需要优先考虑预防性护理,以加强居民的健康和降低保健费用。 The article emphasizes the need for Ohio to prioritize preventative care to enhance residents' health and reduce healthcare costs. 最近的一项民意调查表明,俄亥俄州人寻求负担得起的医疗保险。 A recent poll indicates that Ohioans seek affordable health coverage. 俄亥俄州通过审查俄克拉何马州和内布拉斯加州促进初级保健支出的举措,可以实施类似的战略,改善保健服务的获得和成果。 By examining initiatives in other states like Oklahoma and Nebraska, which promote primary care spending, Ohio can implement similar strategies to improve access and outcomes in healthcare. 总体而言,把重点放在预防措施上可能会节省大量长期费用。 Overall, focusing on preventative measures may lead to substantial long-term cost savings.