巴基斯坦打击与欺诈、恐怖主义和剥削儿童有关的非法英国SIM卡贸易。 Pakistan cracks down on illegal UK SIM card trade linked to fraud, terrorism, and child exploitation.
巴基斯坦当局已着手打击用于金融欺诈、恐怖主义和剥削儿童等严重罪行的英国SIM卡的非法贸易。 Pakistani authorities have launched a crackdown on the illegal trade of UK SIM cards used in serious crimes like financial fraud, terrorism, and child exploitation. 联邦调查局逮捕了44名嫌疑人,没收了8 363张非法的SIM卡,在多个城市开展行动。 The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has arrested 44 suspects and seized over 8,363 illegal SIM cards, with operations conducted across multiple cities. 这些SIMs被走私到巴基斯坦,并通过社交媒体平台出售,为各种非法活动提供便利。 The SIMs are smuggled into Pakistan and sold through social media platforms, facilitating various illegal activities. 根据巴基斯坦的网络犯罪法,金融情报局正在对罪犯采取严格的法律行动。 The FIA is taking strict legal action against offenders under Pakistan's cybercrime laws.