警方拘留了5名涉嫌走私SIM卡到克什米尔与恐怖主义有关的监狱囚犯的嫌疑犯。 Police detain five suspects for smuggling SIM cards to jail inmates linked to terrorism in Kashmir.
查谟和克什米尔警察反情报部门已经拘留了5名涉嫌将SIM卡偷运到斯利那加中央监狱供囚犯使用的人,包括参与恐怖主义的人。 The Jammu and Kashmir Police's Counter-Intelligence Kashmir (CIK) unit has detained five individuals suspected of smuggling SIM cards into Srinagar Central Jail for use by inmates, including those involved in terrorism. 据信,来自不同地点的嫌疑犯是协助恐怖分子的犯罪网络的一部分。 The suspects, from various locations, are believed to have been part of a criminal network aiding terrorists. 调查仍在进行之中,调查包括审查电信服务提供商的作用,预计将逮捕更多的人。 The investigation, which includes examining the roles of telecom service providers, is ongoing, with more arrests expected.