Bihar计划取消270万张SIM卡,通过限制注册来打击网络犯罪。 Bihar plans to deactivate 2.7 million SIM cards to fight cybercrime by limiting registrations.
Bihar政府计划在今后三个月内关闭270多万张SIM卡,以打击网络犯罪。 The Bihar government plans to deactivate over 2.7 million SIM cards in the next three months to combat cybercrime. 拥有超过九张SIM卡的客户必须选择九张才能保持活动;否则,额外的SIM卡将被停用。 Customers with more than nine SIM cards must choose nine to keep active; otherwise, extra SIMs will be deactivated. 这一措施的目标是在比哈尔省增加网络欺诈案件,在那里,利用一个身份下的多个SIM登记来进行骗局,使追踪欺诈活动的工作复杂化。 This measure targets increasing cyber fraud cases in Bihar, where multiple SIM registrations under a single identity are used to commit scams, complicating efforts to trace fraudulent activities.