纽约警局发现了一名来自明尼苏达州失踪男子的酷刑尸体;五名嫌疑人正在寻找。 NYPD found the tortured body of a missing man from Minnesota; five suspects sought.
纽约警方发现了一名失踪男子的尸体,据称此人被一群五人折磨了一个多月。 New York police discovered the body of a missing man who was allegedly tortured for over a month by a group of five individuals. 受害者来自明尼苏达州,在发现遗体之前据报失踪。 The victim, originally from Minnesota, was reported missing before his remains were found. 目前警方正在寻找参与犯罪的个人。 Police are now seeking the individuals involved in the crime.