在纽约亨廷顿车站的手提箱里发现尸体 正在调查中 Human remains found in a suitcase in Huntington Station, New York, under investigation.
纽约亨廷顿车站当局正在调查一幢公寓楼附近的一个手提箱中发现的遗骸。 Authorities in Huntington Station, New York, are investigating human remains found in a suitcase near an apartment building. 这项发现是因911报警电话举报可疑活动引起的。 The discovery was prompted by a 911 call about suspicious activity. 受害人的身份和死因仍然不明,等待苏福克县验尸官办公室进行尸检。 The victim's identity and cause of death remain unidentified, pending an autopsy by the Suffolk County Medical Examiner's Office. 警方正在敦促任何有消息的人站出来,因为有报道说一名妇女在事发前尖叫。 Police are urging anyone with information to come forward, following reports of a woman screaming before the incident.