警方在寻找被绑架的安大略妇女时发现了遗骸;有关联系未经证实。 Police found human remains during search for kidnapped Ontario woman; connection unconfirmed.
据Winnipeg自由新闻社报道,警方在寻找一名涉嫌被绑架的安大略妇女时发现了遗骸。 Police discovered human remains while searching for an Ontario woman suspected to be kidnapped, according to the Winnipeg Free Press. 遗骸是在警察正在进行调查的地区发现的。 The remains were found in the area where the police were conducting their investigation. 绑架妇女的案件仍在调查之中,当局尚未确认遗体是否与案件有关。 The woman's kidnapping is still under investigation, and authorities have not confirmed if the remains are related to the case.